Boast Squash, 9805 Hamilton Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA
6 CT Club Court plus 3-sided glass court plus 2 Hardball Doubles
SquashBad 33, 23-25 Rue Rene Magne, 33300 Bordeaux, France
10 squash courts plus 7 Badminton courts
Biggest racket facility built in France over the last 10 years
Cambridge Sports Centre, Charles Babbage Road, CAMBRIDGE CB3 0FS, United Kingdom
5 CT Club Court with System Walls
Campbelltown Leisure Centre, Campbelltown, Australia
5 CT Club Courts with three movable walls
Chelsea Piers, 1 Blachley Rd., Stamford. CT 06902, USA
11 CT Club Court with System Walls
Biggest leisure facility on the American continent
Coolhurst Lawn Tennis & Squash Rackets Club, Courtside, Coolhurst Road, London, N8 8EY United Kingdom
4 CT Club Courts with two movable walls
Darwin Squash Facility, Section 6236 Hundred of Bagot, Marrara NT 0812, Australia
12 squash courts with 4 mechanical movable walls
Biggest facility in Oceania. Venue of the Doubles World Championships 2016
Drammen Squash, Dr. Hansteins gate 26, 3044 Drammen, Norway
8 CT Club Court with System Walls
Ellvida Ellwangen, Langres Str. 5, 73479 Ellwangen, Germany
2 CT Club Courts with one movable walls
Grand Sport Complex, Arshakunyats 61, Yerevan, Armenia
4-sided glass court